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Single but Not Alone

Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon

This past year when I was on a ministry trip to England, I found myself one Friday night at a prayer meeting in one of those old stone Churches. It was sooooo cold! The British people were moving about like it was nothing, but being a Houston girl, I wasn't used to the cold and I was freezing! Being separated from all that was familiar to me, I was also feeling very alone.

I wondered if that was how single people felt sometimes ... ALONE.

Then I began to think about Jesus. I began to feel a bit ashamed of myself. After all, He is always with me and I was acting like He didn't even exist. I wasn't involving Him in my thought process at all. I repented and as I did I was reminded of my relationship with the Holy Spirit and how Jesus had said in John 14:16,


"I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever."


As I continued to think this through, I realized ... someday everyone will stand before God as a "single" person, except for their relationship with the Holy Spirit, and that relationship will go with them. It's FOREVER!

I decided to take advantage of the opportunity I had been given ... to be "single" before God and trust Him for all my needs, physical ... spiritual ... AND emotional. It wasn't long and I was singing and praising God right along with everyone else.

Thanks Jesus, I needed that!

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